About us
What We Believe
We believe that all people need Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for eternal life. Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from our sin, was raised from the dead, and gives eternal salvation to everyone who believes in Him.
We believe that the Bible is God's Word to us, and that it proclaims the complete message of salvation. The Bible is therefore the central focus of all our ministries. We are constantly learning what the Bible is teaching us and how we can best honor God by living and sharing these truths.
We believe in the Kingdom of God, that Jesus Christ is the King and his rule extends over all areas of our life: work, family, school, business, recreation, government and all other social institutions.
What should I wear to Friendship Church?
Don't worry about dressing "right". On any given Sunday, you are likely to see some in jeans or shorts, some in dresses or with ties, and many somewhere in between. You will be welcomed no matter what you wear. We care more about having you join us to worship our God than what you wear.
What is a service like?
The service includes singing, prayer time, scripture reading and a sermon. Usually it lasts a little over an hour. We often stand while we sing and sit for the rest.
Are visitors asked to stand and introduce themselves?
No. You will be warmly greeted as you enter, and we have a time of greeting each other during the service, but you will not be pointed out or asked to stand during the service.
What if I don't have money for the offering?
Unlike most churches, an offering plate is not passed at Friendship Church except for occasional special offerings. Members put their offerings into boxes by the doors as they enter or exit. As a visitor, if you choose to give you may, but you will never feel awkward if you don't.

Pastor Steve Datema
Lead Pastor
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth looking to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9)
Isn't that an incredible verse? Just imagine what that must look like. God is looking, watching, searching for people who are faithful to Him. What does He see? Who does He see? Does He see you? Does He see me?
As a pastor in the church of Jesus Christ I take that verse very seriously. And I know that I am called to help people to walk more closely with the Savior. It is not always an easy thing to do, but it is what God wants us to do.
So together we journey. At the Friendship Church we work hard to develop our relationship with Christ and with each other. Do we do it perfectly? Not even close. But each day we draw closer to the Savior. Together we grow.
As time passes hopefully the Lord finds us faithful. If you are interested in learning more about a relationship with Christ please let me know. You can contact me here at: friendshipchurchgaylord@gmail.com
Blessings to you all!
Pastor Steve