Sunday School
Children's Sunday School - Sunday School classes are held every Sunday during the school year for groups grades Pre-School, K-2, 3-6, and 7-12.
Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior - this exciting girls group (ages K-8) meets the third Monday of each month from 6:00-7:30. The girls learn about the Savior, God's Word, and spend time working through and earning many merit badges. Click "Learn More" to visit their official website!
We offer an exciting program for boys grades K-8 where we teach the boys about God, about God's Word, and how we as young men are called to live within the world that God created. Here we learn special skills including carpentry, gardening, wood working, model rocketry, canoeing, ecology, and so much more!
The group is led by many of the dads and other men who desire to see these young men grow up and mature in a Christ-like way. The program is similar to Boy Scouts in that badges are earned for their accomplishments. But in Cadets we also study God's Word so that our foundation is rooted in Christ.
Cadets meets weekly during the summer months - usually on Wednesday evenings. And then we meet once/month during the school year - usually on Monday evenings. Click "Learn More" to visit their official website!
Adult Bible Study
We have several options for Bible study for the adults here at Friendship Church. These three groups meet during the school year (no meetings from June-August).
Sunday mornings: This group meets on Sundays immediately following the worship service and lasts until 12:00 noon. This group meets in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join!
Tuesdays: This is a women's group and meets on Tuesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall from 9:30-11:00 AM at church.